Universitas Islam Riau


The gradual and continuous implementation of research and community service programs and their supporters carried out at the Directorate of Research and Community Service at Riau Islamic University is expected to produce the following:

  1. Building an academic atmosphere to create a balanced Tridharma of Higher Education for lecturers.
  2. Developing a consistent research track record of lecturers who are strongly based on their scientific fields.
  3. Realization of quality and competitive research products at national and/or international levels.
  4. Increasing the quality of lecturers’ research which is worthy of obtaining Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) both nationally and internationally.
  5. Producing research products that are applicable in society, whether for individuals, households, industry, educational institutions, or others, that are cheap, easy and simple without abandoning contemporary or up-to-date aspects.
  6. The emergence of research journals and scientific studies at Riau Islamic University that are of high quality and accredited at national and/or international level.
  7. Developing and maintaining cooperative relationships in the field of research and development between the Islamic University of Riau and various institutions outside the Islamic University of Riau, both government institutions, the private sector and other related parties.
  8. Provide the same perception for parties related to research.
  9. Developing community service that is consistent with research and based on a strong scientific field.
  10. Providing products or services that are beneficial to society.
  11. Developing and maintaining cooperative relationships in the field of service so as to improve the economic order of society and the welfare of society in a sustainable manner.


Strategic goals are conditions or circumstances that will be changed or improved. In order to realize the vision and mission of the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DPPM) as well as the vision & mission of UIR, the Directorate of Research and Community Service (DPPM) has prepared a formulation of strategic targets for 2021-2025 referring to:

  1. National Research Master Plan (RIRN) 2015-2045
  2. National Research Priorities (PRN) for 2020-2024
  3. Universitas Islam Riau Statutes 2018
  4. University Development Master Plan 2021-2041
  5. Universitas Islam Riau Strategic Plan for 2021-2041

Strategic Goals 2021-2025

National Research Master Plan (RIRN) 2015-2045

National Research Priorities (PRN) 2020-2024

Universitas Islam Riau Statutes 2018

University Development Master Plan 2021-2041

Universitas Islam Riau Strategic Plan for 2021-2041

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